Personal Licence training course Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, Monmouthshire, South Wales. On a day to suit your diary. I come to your premises. Call Johnny Walker 07970 134 730 for free advice and guidance.
A Personal Licence allows an individual to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol from premises where the sale or supply of alcohol is already licensed. Where a premises licence allows the sale or supply of alcohol, every sale must be authorised by a person named on the licence. This person is the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). The DPS must hold a Personal Licence.
The sale and supply of alcohol, because of its potential impact on the wider community and on crime and anti-social behaviour, carries with it greater responsibility than the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. This is why people making and authorising the sale and supply of alcohol must have a Personal Licence.
To obtain a Personal Licence, you need to obtain a certificate to demonstrate you have attended and passed a Level 2 Personal Licence course. I deliver the one-day Highfield Personal Licence course and exam. I have a 99% exam pass rate. You will be in safe hands.
I often receive calls from individuals who have previous criminal convictions. If you have an unspent conviction for a relevant offence defined in the 2003 Act or for a comparable foreign offence, the police can object to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder.
Also, if you have an unspent immigration offence, a comparable foreign offence or have been required to pay an immigration penalty, Home Office Immigration Enforcement may also object to the application.
The police and Immigration Enforcement have 14 days in which to object. Where the police or Immigration Enforcement object to the application on the grounds above, the applicant will be invited to a hearing before the licensing authority. If the police or Immigration Enforcement do not object to your application and it otherwise meets the requirements of the 2003 Act, the licensing authority must grant it.
Applicants must demonstrate that they have the right to work in the UK and are allowed to do work relating to the carrying on of a licensing activity. The simplest method of demonstrating your right to work in the UK, is a photocopy of your UK passport.
During the training day, we will complete all the Personal Licence application forms in anticipation of your exam success.
Call me for more details of how to get licensed to spill. Johnny Walker 07970 134 730. I’m here to help.