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Need a personal licence in MARLBOROUGH? Call JOHNNY WALKER on 07970 134 730. One day course. Get a personal licence without the tears. Over 20 years’ experience. Friendly, professional advice, just call me.

A personal licence authorises a specified person to supply alcohol or allow the supply of alcohol at a premises which has a valid premises licence.

Personal licences are needed to supervise the sale of alcohol in any licensed premises, including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels. ‘Licensed premises’ include any premises allowed to sell alcohol under a premises licence. You don’t need a personal licence to sell alcohol under a temporary event notice. Anyone, aged over 18 years, without a personal licence can notify 5 temporary events in one calendar year. Personal licence holders can notify 50 temporary events in one calendar year.

Personal licences are not tied to specific venues. This means that a personal licence holder can authorise the sale of alcohol in any licensed venue in England and Wales. Quite simply, personal licences are portable.

You must apply to the licensing authority for the area where you live, not the licensing authority in the area where you work.

Before you can apply for a new personal licence, you must attend a course to achieve the recognised licensing qualification. This is to ensure that licence holders are aware of licensing law, and the wider social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol.

I deliver the Highfield Personal Licence Course. I come to your premises, on a day of your choice. At the end of the course, candidates will sit a 40 question multiple choice answer paper. The pass make is 28 out of 40.

I have a 99% exam pass rate and thoroughly prepare each candidate for the exam. Also, on the training day, we will complete the application forms for your local licensing authority.

Call JOHNNY WALKER on 07970 134 730 for free advice on licensing matters.