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Personal licence training and exam in OXFORD. Call JOHNNY WALKER 07970 134 730. I come to you, on a day of your choice. Relaxed professional course in WANTAGE. Get licensed to spill with me.

The current fee for a personal licence is £37 and is recognised throughout England and Wales. It lasts for an indefinite duration (unless revoked or surrendered) and is in two parts:

  • a card – this includes a photo of the licence holder, their name and address, a unique number, details of the council issuing the licence and an identifier for that authority.
  • a paper form – this contains similar information to the card but doesn’t contain a photo. It also contains details of any relevant convictions.

Premises that are licensed to sell alcohol must have a designated premises supervisor (DPS) specified on the licence. The DPS is responsible for authorising and supervising the sale of alcohol at the premises. To become a DPS you must hold a personal licence.

Applications for a personal licence must be made to the authority where the individual lives. A personal licence is ‘portable’ between different premises throughout England and Wales and is valid for the lifetime of the holder unless surrendered, revoked or suspended. The holder is authorised to sell alcohol anywhere in the country at premises that have a premises licence.

You are not required to have a personal licence to be employed in a pub or other business that sells alcohol although some businesses like staff to have a personal licence. Anyone who does not hold a personal licence must be authorised to sell alcohol by a personal licence holder.

Call me, JOHNNY WALKER on 07970 134 730 for details of how to gain a personal licence without the tears. Got any other licensing questions? Just pick up the ‘phone, my advice is always free and totally without obligation.
