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You will need to notify a Temporary Event Notice (TENs) if you’re holding an event with certain licensable activities. You do not need to be a Personal Licence holder to make a TEN. TENs are different from a premises licence. You apply for a premises licence, but you notify a TEN. A TEN is notification, not application.

These activities, may or may not need a TEN. It sounds confusing, because it is. The activity, the venue, the timings and the number of people will dictate if you need to notify a TEN to the licensing authority where the event is going to be held.

  • live entertainment such as plays, films, recorded music, indoor sporting events, live music and dance performances
  • sale of hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am
  • sale and supply of alcohol

You must also check:

  • if you need any other permissions, such as permission from the landowner to use the site
  • if there are any restrictions, such as restrictions on planning permission or restrictions on your lease

The TEN will not override these permissions and you must make sure you are complying with all restrictions.

The licensing authority where the event is being held must receive your Standard Temporary Event Notice (TENs) at least 10 working days before your event.

Licensing authorities accept an application for a notice no later than five working days before your event but this will be a Late Temporary Event Notice (late TENs).

The process and forms are the same for both Standard and Late Temporary Event Notices.

To apply for TENs you must:

  • be over 18
  • have applied for less than five TENs or two late TENs in the last year unless you’re a Personal Licence holder.  
  • have applied for 50 or less TENs or 10 late TENs in the last year if you’re a Personal Licence holder.

The TEN must:

  • involve no more than 499 people at your event at any one time including staff and performers
  • last no longer than 168 hours 

You can only have:

  • a maximum of 15 TENs per year for the same premises
  • an overall limit of no more than 21 event days

There must be at least a 24 hour gap between TENs notified by the same individual.

2022 and 2023 applications increases

In 2022 and 2023 limits will increase to a maximum of 20 TENs per year for the same premises. There will be an overall limit of no more than 26 event days. This has been changed to assist the hospitality trade and to compensate for the lock downs.

If you need to notify more than 5 TENs in a calendar year, you will need to be a Personal Licence holder. I deliver the Highfield, one-day Personal Licence course on a date that suits you. Call me, Johnny Walker, on 07970 134 730 and I’ll explain how you can gain a Personal Licence without the tears.