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Looking to gain a Personal Licence in BURFORD? I offer face-to-face Personal Licence training courses, at your premises and on a day to suit you. CALL JOHNNY WALKER on 07970 134 730. Wherever you are in BURFORD, I cover the town and surrounding areas. Give me ring for free advice and guidance. Here’s that number again…….. 07970 134 730.

A personal Licence allows the holder to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol in a venue or property which has a premises licence. The Personal Licence is separate from the Premises Licence which authorises the premises to be used for the supply of alcohol and other licensable activities.

Personal licences are issued by the Local Authority where a person is normally resident, irrespective of where the licence holder’s premises is located. You may only hold one Personal Licence at any time, which will be valid for the whole of your lifetime, but may be revoked if you are convicted of a relevant criminal offence, have to pay an immigration penalty, or are found to have given incorrect or misleading information in your application.

You must have the legal right to work in the UK in order to hold a Personal Licence, proof of which will be required with the application. Licences will also lapse automatically if your right to work in the UK expires or comes to an end.

Personal licences are not tied to a specific premises, meaning holders of such licences can authorise sales of alcohol in all venues which have a premises licence, throughout England and Wales. This allows for greater flexibility for personal licence holders and permits the movement of individuals from one premises to another.

The Licensing Act 2003 also states that if a Premises Licence includes the sale or supply of alcohol, a Designated Premises Supervisor must be named on the Premises Licence who will be responsible for the day to day running of the premises. The Designated Premises Supervisor must be a Personal Licence holder. It will not be necessary for all staff selling alcohol to hold a Personal Licence. Any Personal Licence holder can authorise others to sell alcohol.

The Personal Licence relates only to the supply of alcohol under a Premises Licence. An individual does not require a Personal Licence for other licensable activities such as the provision of regulated entertainment or late night refreshment, or for the supply of alcohol under a club premises certificate.

In the case of Temporary Event Notices, Personal Licence holders will be able to give 50 Temporary Event Notices each year, whereas there will be a limit of five for non-Personal Licence holders.

BURFORD Personal Licence training for those who sell alcohol. Johnny Walker 07970 134 730 for free advice, Just ring, it’s not a problem, just call me.