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I teach the one-day Personal Licence course in Evesham on a day that suits you. Quite simply, I come to your premises and deliver the course and exam in one day. My course is either for individuals who want to obtain a Personal Licence or groups. Some individuals prefer to be taught one to one, others enjoy the training with friends or work colleagues. During the day, we will cover all the licensing topics which should make the end of course exam much easier than you think.

I appreciate that some candidates will not have sat an exam for quite some time. Relax, I teach the whole course from start to finish and I assume you know nothing about licensing. The exam is multi-choice and successful candidates need to score at least 28 out of 40 to pass. It is this course certificate that will enable you to apply for a Personal Licence.

The system of personal licensing will allow the holder of a Personal Licence to authorise the sale of alcohol from any premises licensed to sell alcohol, for consumption ON and/or OFF the premises, depending on the premises licence permissions.

The Personal Licence is in the form of two separate parts, a plastic credit card style just like a driving licence and a paper counterpart document. The Personal Licence will state your name, address, licence details and any relevant or foreign unspent convictions. It will also include your photograph.

An application for a Personal Licence is made to the local authority where you live. A Personal Licence does not expire. If you move house or move jobs you do not have to move your licence to another local authority. However, you do have to notify the local authority which originally issued your Personal Licence if you change your home address or name.

Premises, which supply alcohol, must have at least one Personal Licence holder. This person is the Designated Premsies Supervisor. Other employees, such as bar staff, are not required to hold a Personal Licence, although there is nothing to prevent them qualifying and getting a Personal Licence. It is good management practice to have as many Personal Licence holders working at the premises as possible. Well run establishments have any number of Personal Licence holders.  

All premises licences authorising the supply of alcohol must have an identified Personal Licence holder known as the Designated Premises Supervisor. This ensures there is always one specified individual who can be readily identified at a premises, where a premises licence is in force. This person is responsible for the day-to-day control of the premises. More than one individual at the licensed premises may hold a Personal Licence, although it is not necessary for all staff to be licensed. But, all supplies of alcohol under a premises licence must be made by or under the authority of a Personal Licence holder, this is usually the DPS.

If a Personal Licence holder is convicted of a relevant or foreign offence while holding a Personal Licence, they must as soon as reasonably practicable inform the licensing authority which granted the licence of the conviction. The licensing authority must then notify the chief officer of police for its area who may, within 14 days, notify the authority that s/he considers that the continuation of the Personal Licence would undermine the crime prevention objective.

If so, the licensing authority must hold a sub-committee hearing to consider the objection notice unless it is agreed that a hearing is unnecessary and this could lead to the revocation of the Personal Licence. If an applicant for the grant of a Personal Licence is convicted of a relevant or foreign offence during the application process, they must also notify the licensing authority applied to of the conviction. Failure to do so is an offence.

My one-day Personal Licence course in Evesham is designed to ensure that candidates understand how licensing law works and how to stay on the right side of the law. Remember, you need to gain a Personal Licence course certificate but also, you need to be able to apply the law at all times and get it right every time.

Call me, Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 for details of how to get licensed to spill without all the faff and tears. My advice is always free and totally without obligation. Just call.