Worried about the exam? Relax, I have a 99% exam pass rate. Experienced law tutor. I come to you, on a day to suit your diary. I also offer either a Saturday or Sunday for those who cannot attend during the week. Call Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 and I’ll talk you through the whole process. Just call, it’s not a problem.
All sales of alcohol must be made by or under the authority of a Personal Licence holder. Not everyone who makes a sale has to hold a Personal Licence, as long as a Personal Licence holder has authorised the sale. This does not apply to qualifying clubs (a private members’ club such as the Royal British Legion) or premises operating under a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).
A Personal Licence authorises a specified person to supply alcohol or allow the supply of alcohol at a premises which has a valid premises licence.
Personal licences are needed to supervise the sale of alcohol in any licensed premises, including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels. ‘Licensed premises’ include any premises authorised to sell alcohol under a premises licence. You do not need a Personal Licence to sell alcohol under a TEN. There are a number of limiting factors that apply to TENS. Call me for details and I’ll explain what you need to do.
Personal Licences are not tied to specific venues. This means that a Personal Licence holder can authorise the sale of alcohol in any licensed venue in England and Wales.
You must apply to the licensing authority for the area where you live, not the licensing authority in the area where you work. For example: if your pub was in Bristol and you lived in Gloucester, the premises licence for the pub would be issued by Bristol licensing but your Personal Licence would be granted by Gloucester licensing.
Before you can apply for a Personal Licence, you must attend a course to achieve the recognised licensing qualification. This is to ensure that licence holders are aware of licensing law, and the wider social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol. I deliver the Highfield Level 2 one-day Personal Licence training course. This is recognised by all licensing authorities throughout England and Wales.
The new applicant must be over 18 and hold a licensing qualification that has been accredited by the Secretary of State or provide proof that they are a person of prescribed description. The Highfield qualification certificate is accredited.
Under new measures, brought in as part of the Immigration Act 2016, immigration checks will be part of the process for applying for a licence. A Personal Licence will not be issued to anyone who does not have permission to be or work in the UK. Your application must include:
- completed application for a personal licence form
- completed disclosure of convictions and declaration form
- passport photographs and declaration
- documents which demonstrate entitlement to work in the UK
- fee
During my training day, we will complete the application forms in readiness for your formal Personal Licence application. Call Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 for course availability, advice and guidance. Cheers.