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A Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) is the individual who has day to day responsibility and control for the running of the premises. The DPS will act as the primary contact for the Licesning Authority and any of the other Responsible Authorities. The DPS and must be contactable at all times.

If the Licensing Authority have any concerns about the operation of the business or licence, they will expect to be able to reach the DPS and/or arrange meetings which the DPS will be asked to attend. A DPS must hold a Personal Licence and any premises where alcohol is supplied under a premises licence must have a DPS. They will be named in the premises licence and a summary of which must be displayed on the premises, this is also known as Part B. This is brief ‘snap shot’ of the full, Part A licence.

The DPS has the primary responsibility to ensure that all staff sell alcohol legally, in line with both the law and the licence that is attached to the premises they are in charge of. Any breaches which take place may result in prosecution. The DPS must inform the relevant licensing authority if he or she wishes to be removed as DPS. Within 48 hours of the Notice being given to the licensing authority, the individual must also give the premises licence holder a copy of the Notice sent to the licensing authority.

The Designated Premises Supervisor does not have to be on the premises at all times when alcohol is being sold, But, the law expects that the DPS will spend a significant amount of time on the premises and will be fully aware of the procedures in place at all times.

Most Licensing Authorities recommends that a letter of delegated authority to sell or supply alcohol should be completed and kept on the premises. In the event that the DPS is not on the premises this authorises all members of staff named to undertake the sale or supply of alcohol. Although the premises may only have one DPS more than one Personal Licence holder may be employed to work at the premises. Any Personal Licence holder can supervise or authorise the sale of alcohol.  

Personal Licence holders can be the DPS of more than one premises, but reasonably these premises would need to be in close proximity to one another. If they were distant from each other, then this would not make ‘day-to-day’ control possible.

Remember, if you are going to operate a pub, shop, supermarket, restaurant, off licence, convenience store, night club and the like, then you will need to gain a Personal Licence before you can become the DPS.

Call me, Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 and I’ll talk you through the process of getting licensed to spill, without the tears. My advice is free and totally without any obligation. Just pick up the ‘phone. You know you want to.