Newport, Pontypool & Cwmbran Personal Licence training course and application. Free advice 07970 134 730 Johnny Walker
Under the Licensing Act 2003, any individual may apply for a Personal Licence whether or not they are currently employed or have business interests associated with the use of a premises licence. Applications for a Personal Licence must be made to the Local Authority in the area where they reside. A personal licence authorises the individual to supply alcohol or authorise the sale of alcohol in accordance with a premises licence. Personal Licences are valid indefinitely, and are ‘portable’ between premises. You can apply for a Personal Licence at any time providing you are 18 or over. You must have the legal right to work in the UK in order to hold a Personal Licence, proof of which will be required. Licences will lapse automatically if your right to work in the UK expires or is revoked. Applicants will need to complete an application for a Personal Licence and include the following:
- The correct fee (currently £37);
- Enclose a relevant licensing qualification. Highfield Award for Personal Licence holders;
- Enclose a basic Criminal Record check (see below);
- Enclose two photographs;
- Provide documentary proof of your right to work in the UK,
- Make a declaration that you have not been convicted of a relevant offence, a foreign offence or been required to pay a civil immigration penalty.
Personal Licences are issued directly to the person applying for them, and are not transferrable. Once you have obtained one, you may work at any premises which is subject to a Premises Licence authorising the sale / supply of alcohol, anywhere in England or Wales. You may only hold one Personal Licence at any time, which will be valid for the whole of your lifetime, but may be revoked if you are convicted of a relevant criminal offence, have to pay an immigration penalty, or are found to have given incorrect or misleading information in your application
If you have no convictions, not had a licence forfeited in the past five years, are suitably trained, are 18 or over and have the right to work in the UK there is no reason why you should not qualify for a Personal Licence. Please note that Personal Licences are not required in qualifying clubs (holding a Club Premises Certificate), for temporary event notices (up to a maximum of five per year) and for premises which have licensable activities that do not include the sale by retail of alcohol. Personal Licence holders are able to apply for up to fifty temporary event notices per year.
Call Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 for availability and details of how to be granted a Personal Licence without the tears. Cheers.