Personal Licence Application Redditch, Alcester, Evesham.
I deliver the Personal Licence course in Redditch and surrounding areas. Call me, Johnny Walker, on 07970 134 730 for details of how to get licensed to spill.
I have a 99% examination pass rate.
All sales of alcohol must be made by, or under the authority of, a Personal Licence Holder. Though this does not apply to qualifying Clubs or Premises operating under a Temporary Event Notice in Redditch, or anywhere else in England and Wales.
Not everyone who makes a sale has to hold a Personal Licence, as long as a Personal Licence Holder has authorised the sale.
A Personal Licence is obtained independently of the Premises Licence. Following the grant of a Personal Licence by Redditch licensing, it is valid anywhere in England and Wales unless it has been revoked. The Personal Licence remains valid indefinitely and any changes must be notified to the original issuing Licensing Authority.
Every supply of alcohol under the premises license must be made or authorised by a Personal Licence holder. This means that even if a Redditch premises has a premises licence, alcohol cannot be served if one of the Personal Licence holders is not named as the Designated Premises Supervisor on the premises licence and if that person has not authorised the sale of alcohol.
Persons applying for a personal licence will need to obtain an accredited licensing qualification. The aim of the qualification is to ensure that licence holders are aware of licensing law and the wider social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol in Redditch or elsewhere.
The current qualification is the Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders. (This replaces the Level 2 National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders, which will no longer be accepted if dated after 31st March 2011).
The Secretary of State accredits personal licence qualification training providers under the 2003 Act. I teach the Highfield Award for Personal Licence Holders one-day course. This is recognised by licensing authorities, the Government and all police forces. It is a Level II course and those smarty pants who pass, will receive a certificate. It is this certificate that will enable you to obtain a Personal Licence.
You must submit a Criminal Record Check; issued no earlier than one calendar month before the date of the application to prove that you have not been convicted of any relevant offences. In order to do this you should submit one of the following:
- A criminal conviction certificate issued under s112 of the Police Act 1997
(a basic Disclosure) or - A criminal record certificate issued under s113A of the Police Act 1997
(a standard or enhanced CRB check) or; - The result of a subject access search under the Data Protection Act 1998 of the Police National Computer by the National Identification Service.
I advise applicants to apply for a ‘Basic Disclosure’ from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), these can be obtained online from Opens in a new window.
You must also make a separate declaration that you have not been convicted of a relevant offence or a foreign offence or been required to pay an immigration penalty.
Need to know more about how to get a Personal Licence in Redditch? Just call 07970 134 730. Cheers.