Looking for a Personal Licence training course in Ross on Wye? Call me, Johnny Walker, on 07970 134 730. I can arrange a Personal Licence course at your premises, on a day to suit you. No need to travel to a Personal Licence course in some distant town and join a group of strangers…….I come to you. My advice is always free and without any obligation, just ring.
I have a 99% exam pass rate. If you have been out of education for some years, relax, you will be fully and professionally prepared for the end of course exam.
Following a change of name and/or address, a Personal Licence holder must notify the issuing authority of the change(s) as soon as is reasonably practicable. Failure to do so is an offence. A fee of £10.50 is payable for document replacement.
If any part of the Personal Licence documentation becomes lost, stolen, damaged and/or is destroyed, a Personal Licence holder is entitled to apply to the issuing authority for a copy of the Personal Licence. A fee of £10.50 is payable for document replacement.
Where charged with a relevant offence, listed under Schedule 4 of the Licensing Act 2003, a Personal Licence holder must produce the Personal Licence to the court at or before the first appearance (or if that is not possible, explain why it cannot be produced). Similarly, if a personal licence is granted after being charged, a Personal Licence holder must produce the Personal Licence to the court (or explain why it cannot be produced). A Personal Licence holder must also notify the court if, after having first produced the Personal Licence, the licence is renewed, surrendered or revoked. Failure to comply with any of these requirements is an offence.
A police constable or officer of Hereford licensing authority may require a Personal Licence holder to produce their Personal Licence when on any premises to sell, or authorise the sale of alcohol by virtue of a premises licence or temporary event notice. Accordingly, Personal Licence holders are advised to carry their licence (both parts) at all times when on duty. Failure to produce a Personal Licence to an authorised person whilst on premises to make or authorise sale or supply of alcohol, without reasonable excuse, is an offence.
Give me, Johnny Walker, a call on 07970 134 730 for free advice about how to gain a Personal Licence in Ross on Wye without the tears. Cheers.