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Tewkesbury Personal Licence courses can be arranged to suit your diary. Also, Saturday or Sunday courses can be arranged.

A Personal Licence authorises an individual to sell or supply alcohol from a licensed premises in Tewkesbury and anywhere in England and Wales. A Personal Licence is not required if only conducting the other licensable activities (regulated entertainment or provision of late night entertainment) in a licensed premises. 

Not every person selling alcohol at a licensed premise needs to hold a Personal Licence, but every sale or supply of alcohol must be made by, or authorised by, a Personal Licence holder, with the exception of community premises, church halls and village halls and the like.  You must apply for a Personal Licence from the local authority where you live, which may not be where the licensed premise is located.

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application for a personal licence.  To do so may result in prosecution and a fine.

Applicants must notify the Licensing Authority immediately if you are convicted of any offence during the time between making your application and the grant of your Personal Licence.

Application forms submitted incomplete, incorrect, or missing any of the above requirements will be returned and rejected. 

Once you have received your personal licence you are required by law to inform the Local Authority that issued your Personal Licence of any changes in your circumstances, for example Tewkesbury Borough Council. This includes change of name or home address.