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Call Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 for details and guidance of how to gain a Personal Licence without the tears. Advice is always free, just call me.

A Personal Licence authorises the holder to sell alcohol on behalf of any business that has a premises licence or a club premises certificate.

Applicants must apply to the Local Authority where you are living at the time that you submit an application. This will be your Licensing Authority, regardless of where you may move and live in the future.

Following the Deregulation Act 2015, Personal Licences no longer expire. Those that show an expiry date, can still be used and the expiry date ignored.

Once you have been granted a personal licence, you can act as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) for any business that sells or supplies alcohol.

All sales of alcohol must be made by or under the authority of a Personal Licence holder. Not everyone who makes a sale has to hold a Personal Licence, as long as a Personal Licence holder has authorised sales. This does not apply to qualifying clubs or premises operating under a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

A Personal Licence authorises a specified person to supply alcohol or allow the supply of alcohol at a premises which has a valid premises licence. There may be more than one Personal Licence holder at a premises, but only one is the DPS.

So, Personal Licences are needed to supervise the sale of alcohol in any licensed premises, including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels. ‘Licensed premises’ include any premises allowed to sell alcohol under a premises licence. You don’t need a personal licence to sell alcohol under a TEN. Anyone over the age of 18 years can notify five TENS per calendar year. Personal Licence holders can give 50 notifications per calendar year.

Personal licences are not tied to specific venues. This means that a Personal Licence holder can authorise the sale of alcohol in any licensed venue in England and Wales.

To apply for a Personal Licence you must show that you have sufficient knowledge of licensing law and the social consequences to allow the sale of alcohol by successfully completing an appropriate training course. I deliver the Highfield one day Personal Licence course. This is recognised by all licensing authorities in England and Wales.

You should submit a basic disclosure check to prove that you have not been convicted of any relevant offences. This must not be more than one month old at the date of submission. You would also need to provide proof of your entitlement to work in the UK in the form of a birth certificate, passport, qualifying permit or other relevant document.

During the training day, we will complete the Personal Licence application forms in readiness for your formal application to your local licensing authority.

You will be expected to update the information on your Personal Licence if you change your name or address with the Council where your personal licence is held, even if you move out of the area.

It would be wise to ensure that if the Designated Premises Supervisor is not physically on the premises, there is a clear management structure with which staff are familiar with. Personal licences are not required in qualifying club situations, permitted temporary events and for premises licences that do not retail alcohol.

Please call me, Johnny Walker on 07970 134 730 for details of my availability for training at your premises. I can also answer any general questions you have about licensing. Just call me, it’s not a problem. Cheers.